10 Memory-Boosting Foods for Seniors

Forgetfulness and memory loss are general consequences of aging. However, various memory-boosting techniques and tips can lessen risk and severity, including an adequate diet. Take a bite out of these foods that have shown to offer brain-protective benefits!

Forgetfulness and memory loss are general consequences of aging. However, various memory-boosting techniques and tips can lessen the risk and severity, including consuming an adequate diet. Take a bite out of these foods that improves memory, or that have at least shown to offer brain-protective benefits!

10 Memory-Boosting Foods for Seniors

1. Oats

Kick off the day with a bowl of oats, one of the most valuable foods for memory. Not only do oats supply the brain with glucose for energy, but also contains zinc, a mineral showing promise in lessening dementia risk and cognitive decline, primarily related to its role in memory and learning functions and total brain health.

2. Berries

Berries are a memory-boosting food particularly associated to their robust antioxidant content, showing to protect the brain against age-related memory loss. Consuming berries at least once a week is encouraged so top blueberries onto oats, strawberries, or simply enjoy your favorite berry as a naturally-sweetened treat!

3. Eggs

The worry of eggs cholesterol content instigated great worry in their consumption, though they evidence encourages their consumption for numerous reasons, including brain health. Crack open an egg to reap the benefits of choline, a nutrient used to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which has shown to maintain memory and potentially lessen the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Beef

Beef is a food for memory enhancement primarily narrated by its iron and zinc content, two minerals showing promise in brain health. Iron has an imperative role in oxygenating the blood, and individuals who are iron deficient may have compromised brain function. And if chewing or swallowing thick cuts of beef is worrisome, seniors can try grounding into a more tolerable consistency and mixed into soups, soft taco shells, and pastas.

5. Green, Leafy Vegetables

A study published in Annals of Neurology found women who consumed the most green, leafy veggies experienced lower decline compared to women consuming the least amount. Seniors should try incorporating sources such as spinach and kale into their dietary habits, including in salads or hidden in pasta sauces and smoothies.

6. Fatty Fish

“Fatty” fish may catch you off guard, but the fat in fish such as halibut, salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines supply the healthful omega-3 fatty acids. Hooking onto fatty fish and the omega-3s it supplies may ward off Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.

7. Walnuts

It really is not too much of a coincidence the shape of walnuts resembles that of a brain… Walnuts are shown to be a significant food that improves memory, much contributed to the omega-3 fatty acid content similar to fatty fish. Additionally, vitamin E concentrations found in walnuts has been associated to memory improvements.

8. Dark Chocolate

Simultaneously beat the pesky sweet tooth and boost memory with a piece of dark chocolate! Simply put, the darker the chocolate, the greater the polyphenols, compounds offering powerful antioxidant properties. Along with reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, polyphenols may defend against brain deterioration and weakening.

9. Coffee

While not necessarily a food, coffee deserves recognition. That morning cup of joe has been touted to protect against Alzheimer’s disease, particularly related to its potent antioxidant content. And not to mention the energy and brain jolt it can offer thanks to its caffeine content…

10. Peppermint

Research suggests not only the smell, but the flavor, of peppermint can enhance memory. Additionally, alertness and attentiveness has been shown to improve while chewing on a stick of gum may improve scores on memory tests, too.